A Blended Event Approach to a Virtual Meeting
With one year of virtual conference experiences behind them, the American Ornithological Society (AOS) was looking to up their game in 2021 when they realized it would be another virtual event. With nine concurrent sessions AOS knew it would not be easy to ease the production and event management process while dramatically raising the presentation quality for their attendees virtual experience.
AOS once again turned to the EventPilot® conference app platform and took full advantage of a new solution that had been rolled out with the pandemic, EventPilot simulive.
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“The time savings via the EventPilot meeting platform are of incredible value to us. My job was way easier this year compared to a fully live virtual event. This year I got to enjoy the conference.”
Allison Shultz
Meeting Coordination Committee Member
American Ornithological Society (AOS)
Virtual Conference Program Components
Boost Your Scientific Presentation Quality with a Simulive Event
The nature of EventPilot simulive offered many instant quality improvements including:
“We are trying to go hybrid next year, then we don’t need to set up a tripod in the room and save on A/V staff and costly equipment.”
Lauren Gates
Event Conference Coordinator
American Ornithological Society (AOS)