Turn your onsite meeting into a hybrid event with the push of a button

  • Integrate deep links to streaming videos or session recordings on demand

  • Merges both, in-person and remote audiences, for real time engagement in session discussion chats

  • Save money with Simulive and skip onsite A/V in every session room 

hybrid event speaker
hybrid medical meeting remote attendee

Increase remote attendance without increasing Audio/Visual costs

  • Preserve the live excitement for remote audiences as simulive stays in sync with your on-site presentations

  • Easily live stream only your general sessions by automating Zoom Webinars creation and integration

  • Keep your schedule on track and play the simulive video onsite in case of unexpected speaker cancellations

Generate revenue with hybrid events and remote audiences

Desktop itinerary planner for remote attendees
Native mobile apps for in-person attendees

desktop itinerary planner and mobile app for hybrid events
Hybrid Event offers remote attendees to join online

“EventPilot conference technologies just works. You don’t have to worry about it.”

Sara Stearns
Preferred Meeting Management, Inc.

Easily add remote viewing options

A powerful meeting platform for hybrid events